I thought I would join in with Keely's fun Thursday Five!! You are supposed to come up with 5 things that are making you happy lately!!! I am feeling particularly joyful this week...so why not?

1. My hubby leaving notes in my purse for me to find the next day at work. So sweet and thoughtful is he!

2. Sitting on the patio in the early evening reading a book.

3. Getting off from work every day early enough to get in two hours worth of tanning time at the pool! ( I work 6-3)

4. My new white jeans. I feel oh so fabulous when I wear them!

5. New followers and comments!
What are you LOVING lately?
Hi Your blog is soooo cute! Im a new follower over from Thursday 5 and seriously isnt tanning in the afternoon the best! I work weird hours and I love being able to tan during the week!
You wear white jeans? You're my hero! I wish, wish, wish I had the legs for them! I bet they look so cute on you!
Love the new blog background - it is so cute with the button and pink poka dots!
You are right - your hubby is a sweetie alright!
Love you guys,
Ah so jelosue of you getting tanning time! I used to work 4a-10a and get off then I switched to full time RIGHT when summer started.. I should have planned better. White pants.. I was almost going to buy some but I just get dirty too fast.. lol
these sound amazing : )
i'm glad to see your new design! two other blogs i follow had the same one as your old one and i kept getting confused ; )
it looks like you need to click, "shrink to fit" before you upload it. Try that and let me know how it goes.
Where did you get your white jeans? I've been on the hunt for a good pair and I can't find any.
Your hubby leaves little notes for you? Ok that is just too adorable. I'm jealous of your early off work hours.
Laying out for 2 hours..heaven!!! ;-)
I enjoyed your 5!
Thanks for linking up!!
Have a great weekend!
Hello there! Thanks so much for commenting on my blog, so nice to meet you! Her shoes were gross, btw, totally agree.
I am v jealous that you get the afternoons off. I would work those hours too if I could!
Happy Friday doll!
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