

  • July is the best month of the year because it has the 4th, my birthday, my husband's birthday, and our anniversary all rolled into one.
  • I have been living in a hotel for almost two weeks= not fun
  • In this hotel I have limited access to the internet which makes for scarce blogging at work.
  • the new warehouse I manage is 65 degrees all year round :)
  • I don't like that my husband is still in Florida right now
  • I used to HATE change and now because of my job i actually like moving and meeting new people.
  • I ventured out to find Target last night....in a new city by myself with no directions and did not get lost. It may be one of my proudest moments!
  • if somebody else tries to give me the run around regarding our move i may turn chuck norris on them.
  • I almost literally had a breakdown on Monday because I thought that the ABC in the hotel did not have the Bachelorette showing......turns out it was not the right channel:)
  • it is funny how close you can become to people in just a year and how it is hard to imagine a time when you didn't know them.

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