
waiting on when

One of my worst attributes is always looking in the future. Which is not always a bad thing except when you forget to live in the now. Lately I have caught myself so often thinking about things in the future.

Does this sound familiar?

"I can't wait until we buy our first house"

"Can't wait until we get pregnant"

"Can't wait until the hubs graduates"

Can't wait until we move out of Macon"

"Can't wait until we get our next direction from God"

"Can't wait until we get a dog"

You really could put so many sentences down here. I am so guilty of this. Waiting for the next big thing that I forget to enjoy and appreciate where God has me right now. If I keep doing this my life will be full of waiting moments instead of living moments.

I need to appreciate the blessings I have. So I don't have a house right now. I also don't have any of the expenses of owning a home.

So we are not having a baby yet. We also get to enjoy being on our own foot loose and fancy free.

So Jonathan is still in school. He is also very flexible with his schedule which is a huge blessing.

I just want to focus more on the right now and be content where God has me.

Aybody struggle with this or am I the only crazy one?


Call Me Old Fashioned

But I Believe:

that no matter how old you get, you are never too old for fireworks or cotton candy.

that being married SHOULD mean that you are off limits to anyone slse.

that you should be required to let at least one waiting car into your line in traffic.

that children should call all adults Mr or Miss.

that getting "wasted" is not ladylike.

that people who work together should not date each other. Especially if one is the boss of the other.

that answering "What" when someone says your name is not acceptable.

that thinking of yourself FIRST is not the way to live your life.

that having a positive attitude in life is worth everything.

that a little manual labor never hurt anybody.

that the guy should always make the first move, pay for the date, and hold the door open.

BUT, the above belief does not make you any less of a woman, but maybe more so.

that the man should be the strong head of the family.

Maybe if we all got back to basics and were a little old fashioned, life may just be a little bit sweeter and better. What old fashioned beliefs do you still hold on to?


Labor DAy!


THis is my first labor day off in two years! And I am enjoying it here in Charlotte with the hubs.

Hope you all are partaking in the four essential "F's" crucial to a great Labor Day: Food, Fun, Festivities, and (a lil) Football!! Have a good one! :)


sweet daddy

a replay of a voicemail my dad left me the other day.

" Hi honey. Sorry I missed your call. I got so excited that you called that my heart started beating really fast and then I got flustered and couldn't answer the phone. Then I got really dissapointed because I missed your call. Itis amazing the two different emotions your call can give me in the span of a few minutes. Love you! Dad"

Swoon. Daddy's girl for sure.


Reason #564778888899903246 why I need an Iphone!

Greetings from Charlotte, NC! Thanks for all of your tips and comments on my last post! I am in my second week here and am adjusting to new surroundings, living in a hotel, and working with new people. When they sent me down here they sent me down here to work and work is ALL I have been doing! I have been working 12 to 13 hour days and am EXHAUSTED at night. Also I have limited access to the internet while I have been waiting on work to get my laptop to me!

My hotel is great and I LOVE having a cleaning lady(hubby beware!). I could get VERY spoiled during this 6 weeks! ha! The hubs is coming up this weekend for Labor Day and I am excited. I MISS THAT BOY! I haven't done a whole lot while I have been here. I have been battling a serious 6 day cold that Will not go away. I am battling losing my voice so I have been taking it easy.

One thing I have been doing a lot of is watching tv of course: Bachelor Pad, Real Housewives. You name it I have probably been watching it.

So excited about Tenley and Kiptyn. They need to get married.
RHONJ reunion show was about the craziest thing ever. Just throw a boxing ring up there ane let these ladies go at it already. I am losing faith in Jaqueline, she used to be my fav but now I feel like she eggs things on. I love Caroline, Danielle is mental as usual, and Theresa clearly needs anger managment classes.

How random is the cast of Dancing with the Stars? I feel like "The Situation" will probably dance the entire season in a belly shirt, Audrina will probably hook up with her partner, and Jennifer Gray may possibly get another nose job to make her unrecognizable before the show is up! Will you tune in?

Can't wait to catch up on all of your lives now that I reconnected to the Internet.