

I have a very type A planner sort of mentality. I like to know what I am doing and I like to be in control. This is something that I recognize about myself and would love to change.

Luckily my new job has us moving around every two years. This is something I would never choose to do and it definitely takes me out of my comfort zone. But lately I am really finding the absolute perfection and beauty in being out of my comfort zone. God is alwasy so faithful in making things turn out better than they ever would had I stayed within the confines of my comfort bubble. I am slowly working through my vulnerabliity issues and insecurities by having faith that the same Christ who shed his blood for me will love me enough to get me through any situation.

Wouldn't it be great to seek out those opportunities to be uncomfortable and put your faith to the test? This is my new goal to seek out opportunites to let God surprise me. I know it won't be easy and there will be times when my flesh will fight back. But God has always pulled through and I am realizing the power of putting my trust in that.


Sweet Simplicity said...

This is a great post!

Elizabeth said...

I just found your Blog from The Pettijohn's. This post is wonderful! And I love your blog! I'm now a follower =)