Alright bloggy friends.... I need your help. I promised my husband the other day that I would try to watch less "trashy" reality shows and watch something else. My husband keeps mumbling about how I am too old to be watching half of the stuff I watch on tv and that he wishes I would watch actual shows like an adult. SOOOOO i am going to TRY(key word being try here) to watch some non-reality shows.
Here is where you come in....I have been living in my reality bubble for so long now that I have no idea where to start?!!! So PLEASE help a sister out and save my marriage by leaving a comment with some of your must-watch favorite shows this season.
PS. This detox will not include The Hills or The City or The Bachelorette or Real Housewives...just all the other less important shows! ;) Don't tell hubby.
For tonight, Modern Family (9pm ABC), Cougartown (9:30pm ABC) and Eastwick (10pm ABC). They're all pretty good shows especially Modern Family and they just started last week so you won't be that far behind...I think if you go to the ABC site they might even have full episodes.
New follower here. I love your blog it's so cute! Can't wait to get to know you better. Try Deperate Houswives it's filled with trash but it's not reality will that work? ha!
Mandy - 90210!! I never thought the new one would stick around but it's great and just as trashy as reality without the reality =) Also love Desperate Housewives and Ghost Whisperer!!
Miss you guys -tell Jonathan we said hi but not that I watch 90210!! Oh and BTW, we're having a baby!! Due at the end of April!
I HIGHLY recommend Glee. A friend of mine suggested it, and I watched all the episodes on hulu.com. It is FANTASTIC! It's not trashy...well, a little bit, but good trashy.
Breaking up with reality tv is hard. :( I second Modern Family and Glee suggestions! Both are so good! Do you watch Project Runway? (That doesn't really count as trashy does it?)
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