We had a great Thanksgiving holiDAY and let me just emphasize the day part of it. I had to work on Wednesday and Friday, so I was only at the in-laws for a day. But we had oh so much fun thought like we usually do. Every year we have an annual Howard touch football game that we play. It is always so much fun and it makes me feel like maybe I don't have to feel guilty for the 3200 calories I just consumed in one meal. We make shirts for each year and it is just great.
Our bad to the bone team pic is below.

We also always exchange Christmas gifts since we won't see the in laws at Christmas. And this is the BEST part of Thanksgiving. There are about 16 of us crammed into Nana's tee-niny living room and we clap and yell through the entire opening of the presents.
We do the presents one by one and do a slow clap as the person is struggling to open the present. As soon as they get the wrapping off and the present is revealed, everyone in the room fist pumps both hands in the air and screams like they were just told they won the lottery. readers....IT. IS. THE. BEST. AND. MOST. HYSTERCIAL. THINGEVER.
Don't believe me? See this picture below.

We were yelling and chanting "Put in on, Put it on" about the jersey my BIL got from us!!! It is seriously the most energetic Christmas you will ever see.
Unfortunately, I failed at taking pictures. FAILED. As in my camera wasn't even charged up so I got not one picture. The above two were stolen off of Facebook. Sigh.
I was, however, a crazy person and ever so determined to get that bargain, I headed off at 2:45 in the morning on Black Friday in search of it. But unlike the rest of America, I had to be at work at 6 that morning as well. Ha! Work won't slow me down! This woman WILL shop!
Kinda sad to see Thanksgiving go but also glad that I can start celebrating Christmas. I mean honestly who's idea was it to make Thanksgiving so close to Christmas? T-giving always gets the shaft!
Can't wait to show you all the pics of our Christmas deocorations! So stay tuned for that!
this is the cutest idea ever!! makes it so much more special!!
So much fun! It looks like y'all had a blast! Can't wait to see your Christmas decorations!
Ha ha! That picture is hilarious! What a fun tradition
This is So awesome. HAHAhahaha! :)
Thank you so much for sharing the story on my blog!! I had my husband read it, and we laughed hysterically! He was like, "We are doing that." ;) Your husband's family must be sounds like so much fun! Your blog is adorable & I'm a new follower!
Ok...Love the football photo pose! and seriously, your in-laws tradition during the opening of gifts is awesome! too, too funny! I was imagining it and had to tell my hubby. Hmmmm...this tradition sounds like it may spread across the country...well, at least, we might have to try it out at our home! (Actually, theluckiestmrs is our daughter...and I had to agree with her comment...so we'll see who remembers this when we are all together for Christmas and who starts it off first haha!)
Blessings & Aloha!
(thank you for following and come back any time! andwhen you do, please leave a comment so that I know that you were there... also, you and your hubby are such a cute couple).
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