Now I would really like to believe that I WILL incorporate ALL of these below..but let's get real. Who REALLY incorporates their New Year's Resolutions! Here's to hoping I can at least make 50% this year!! ;)
1. Be committed to working out at least four days a week EVERY week.
2. Run in a race this year..whether it be a 5K or a one miler!
3. Lose those 10 pounds I have gaine.
4. Try not to be so sensitive when it comes to those I care about.
5.Become more involved in our new hometown. We have lived here for a while, but I don't know where the time has gone and I really want to get more involved with our church and community.
6.Focus on really growing in my realationship with Christ. Continuing to get closer to Him and know more about who He is and what he desires my character to look like.
7. Become the next Giada...ok not really that great of a cook...but at least change things up so my husband doesn't expect the same meal each night.
8. Learn to knit. I just really want to knit my own scarves. It looks like such a therapeutic hobby.
9. Try to throw things out more this year. I am such a PACK RAT!!! I have a hard time getting rid of anything and that makes life tough living in a two bedroom apartment. I want to cleanse my life of all the stuff more frequently.
10. Be more thankful.....I have such a blessed life. I want to try to have more persepective and be even more grateful for the small things.
If I can learn to be and do all 10 of those things....2010 will be wonderful!!
Those are great resolutions and I have some of those as my own. Especially getting more involved in my church. Happy New Year!
I love your resolutions! Praying you get all of them accomplished!
I really want to know how to knit too!!! Goodluck with it and Happy 2010!
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