Every year my dad always asks me what I want for Valentine's Day. And every year I usually have NOTHING to say. So a couple of days ago, he asked me what I wanted this year. I actually have been wanting a professional looking watch to wear to work. Now let me just say that I am NOt a watch person. Typically the only time I wear one is when it matches my outfit and it usually is broken and does not tell time. So anyways, I have realized that it would be nice to have a watch at work. Useful. Well now I am on the search for the perfect watch. I want just that combo of chunky that makes you think you may be wearing a man's watch combined with those subtle timeless details. Not too difficult. Or so I thought. I have been out of the loop on watch shopping lately. Those puppies are EXPENSIVE. So here are a few of my favorites that I would get if money were no object and it grew on the limb of one of the trees outside my apartment.

Ireally like the face of this one. So simple you could literally wear it with anything.

Love the little pop of diamonds and the crazy numbers.

This one is my absolute fave. I love how chunky and strong it is.
Clearly this wish item needs to be moved to the Christmas wish list immediately. Sorry to fake you out there Dad.
I can't decide which I like better, 1 or 3?!?!
LOL I can't believe you said that about your watches! I'm the SAME way. I always wear watches that don't work cause they look cute with what I'm wearing. HAHA Great Minds Think Alike? Anyways ever since I worked at Nordstrom two years ago I've been wishing for this watch...
I LOVE it! But like you said Expensive! geez I wonder how much Flavor Flave spends on his watch necklaces!? :P
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